
Abstract Clouds – their coverage, nature, and interactions with the energy budget of the planet – represent one of the primary sources of uncertainty in future climate prediction. Despite the crucial role of desert clouds in the distribution of water and energy budgets, their climatology is still largely incomplete. With arid regions projected to become dryer under global warming conditions, understanding the characteristics of their cloud cover can provide critical insights. In this work, cloud coverage was investigated over one of the Earth's most arid regions – the Arabian Peninsula. Four total cloud cover (TCC) products, namely the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project H (ISCCP), the CM SAF Cloud, Albedo and Surface Radiation AVHRR 2 (CLARA) satellite datasets, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction – National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) Reanalysis (R-2) (NCEP) and the ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis (ERA) reanalyses, were used to construct a climatology of desert clouds over the peninsula between 1984 and 2009, accounting for the different products' uncertainties and limitations. Satellite retrievals and reanalysis fields were first validated against ground observations from the United Arab Emirates, for which homogeneity assessments were conducted. The validation was done using statistical indicators, including Normalized Root Mean Square Errors (nRMSE), relative biases (rBIAS), and correlation coefficients, on monthly and seasonal scales. The ISCCP dataset resulted in the highest correlations with the ground observations (overall 0.38) and the lowest nRMSE (overall 0.54), while CLARA had the lowest rBIAS (overall 0.02). All products showed discrepancies when compared to the ground observations, both annually and on a seasonal basis. When extended to the entire Arabian Peninsula, the satellite and reanalysis products showed decreasing spring and increasing summer (except for ISCCP) TCC evolution across the region. At inter-annual scales, the TCC over the peninsula showed a significant discontinuity in 1998. This shift could be linked to the forcing of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on water vapor transport over the region, as well as to documented artifacts in satellite retrievals and model outputs. These discrepancies are indicative of a need for detailed assessments to be made of the uncertainties existing in TCC data for the Arabian Peninsula. Plain Language Summary Clouds represent a primary source of uncertainty in future climate predictions. This is particularly pronounced in dryland clouds, given their sporadic and intermittent nature. With global warming predicted to enhance aridification trends in terrestrial arid zones, historical cloudiness trends over arid and hyper arid regions are very important – yet their climatology to date is still largely incomplete. The quality of observations and/or model outputs are an important consideration, making validation and intercomparison assessments imperative. This work investigated cloud cover over the Arabian Peninsula, one of the most arid regions on the Earth. Four cloud cover datasets were used, derived from satellite measurements and atmospheric reanalysis model outputs. The selected study period was between 1984 and 2009. The four datasets were initially compared with observations taken at ground stations in the United Arab Emirates. The four products were then studied over the entire Arabian Peninsula. Results showed that cloud cover displayed marked seasonal characteristics and large inter-annual temporal evolution. An abrupt change in regional cloud cover time series was found to occur in 1998. This could be attributed to the forcing of the El Nino Southern Oscillation, although significant documented uncertainties in satellite products over this time span call for deeper investigations of this causal relation.

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