
Cloud computing is one of the revolutionary technology that offers efficient means to remotely access and store data in different locations through the internet network. Cloud computing provides a shared pool of computing resources such as storage devices, servers and network. All these resources can provision and released with minimal management efforts or service provider interactions. Cloud computing is a framework that allows users to access computing resources over the internet instead of using all computers facilities that are available locally on site. The purpose of this paper is to come up with the new knowledge related to the wide range of architectural configurations, (memories management, number of processors, and nodes), relevant new trends of storing, processing and accessing remote data. Cloud computing is especially powerful for businesses. This paper has been including cloud computing benefits in addition to the challenges with their impacts on information technology that may happen in the future. Despite the challenges there are good benefits related to the saving, scalability and high performance of cloud over the internet. The providers have the responsibilities to ensure the confidentiality and security of the customers’ data in addition to the security measure that have been taken by the customers themselves. Cloud computing may face the same security problems for the net work. All these matters have explained in details in this paper.

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