
Introduction: Epithelial inclusion cyst is a common type of cutaneous cyst that results from implantation of epidermal elements in the dermis and can occur throughout the body. It is often seen in the perineum and posterior vaginal wall, and lined by stratified squamous epithelium. This desquamates and produces secretions to form a cystic mass. This is called clitoridal inclusion cyst when it involves the clitoris. It is usually a complication of female genital mutilation/ cutting. Case presentation: She was a 27-year-old young woman, who presented to the gynaecological clinic with a 15-year history of progressive swelling in her perineum. She was circumcised at the age of 10 years. She had surgical excision under anaesthesia, and was discharged home in good health condition. Conclusion: Evaluation of clitoridal inclusion cyst requires careful assessment by a good history, detailed physical examination and necessary imaging modality, as this will help to rule out differential diagnosis and manage the patient better.

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