Introduction: Cervical cancer is most common cancer in the rural and second most common in urban areas of our country. It accounts for 16% of all cancers. There are various clinical, Paper Submission Datepathological and radiological factors which dictate the prognosis of these cancer cervix patients. The present study evaluates clinical, pathological and radiological prognostic factors in cancer cervix treated with concurrent chemoradiation. Material and Methods: A total of 32 patients seen between 2012 and 2014 patients planned concurrent chemoradiation were evaluated in terms of clinical (age, stage, Hb% and HPV Paper Publication Date infection), pathological (histopathology type and subtype, grade, mitotic index, lymph-July 2016 vascular invasion and necrosis) and radiological (parametrial extension, disease dimension, lymph node, hydronephrosis and vascularity of tumour) prognostic factors. After pre-DOI treatment evaluation patient was planned for 3 Dimentional-Conformal Radiotherapy (50Gy/25#/5 weeks) with concurrent chemotherapy (Cisplatin 35mg/m2) followed by 3 applications of Intracavitary radiotherapy (6Gy/fraction) with 6 months follow up. Response was accessed according to WHO response criteria and univariate analysis was done using chi-square test. Results: Clinical factors: Age better disease free survival in older patients (p value=0.003), stage - Lower stage had better survival (for stage Ib-IIa vs stage IIb p value = 0.003 and for stage Ib vs. IIIb p value = 0.0005), Hb% - 57% patients with Hb less than 10g/dl had recurrence at end of 6 months (p value=0.00001), HPV High recurrence with HPV presence. Pathological factors like high Mitotic Index had more residual disease (p=0.0009), grade - No statistical significance. Radiological factors- volume of disease - 35 % patients with volume of disease > 6 cm had disease at end of 6 months, hydronephrosis - 40 % patient with hydronephrosis had recurrence (p value = 0.0005) at end of 6 months follow up and vascularity of tumour showed statistically no difference. Conclusion: Hb less than 10%, HPV infection, Mitotic index (3-5/HPF), stage IIIB, pelvic nodes were concluded as the independent poor prognostic factors.
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