
Objective: To examine the safety and efficacy associated with various treatment approaches and to identify trends and variations in the management of severe sepsis, including the usage of antibiotics, and supportive care. To examine factors associated with improved or worsened outcomes in severe sepsis cases, such as patient demographics, comorbidities, or timing of treatment. Design: A hospital-based prospective study was done on all inpatients and outpatients in Princess DurruShehvar Childrens & General Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana for 6 months. Methods: The data collection form and patient consent form were designed for this study. It comprises information regarding the study subjects data such as demographics, medical and medication history, laboratory investigations, diagnosis, present prescribed medication, and progress chart. Investigators collected the relevant data and recorded it in data collection form. The prescription will be selected based on inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. The data obtained was compiled and analysed using appropriate statistical tests. Quantitative variables were summarized using descriptive studies (percentages, mean, standard deviation, number of observations). The data was statistically analyzed using spss and pair t test, graphs, pie diagrams, and bar graphs. Results A total of 115 patients were included in this prospective study and 60% of them show culture sensitivity. Meropenem was found to be the most potent antibiotic. The analysis of the treatments impact reveals noteworthy outcomes across multiple parameters. The intervention demonstrates a significant effect in reducing systolic blood pressure, although no major influence on diastolic blood pressure is observed. Regarding erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), a substantial and statistically significant decrease is indicated post-treatment. Notably, arterial blood gas (ABG) levels exhibit a considerable difference pre- and post-treatment, with a p-value below 0.05, suggesting a rejection of the null hypothesis. Additionally, the treatment is associated with a significant increase in total leukocyte counts, as evidenced by the positive mean difference and a 95% confidence interval entirely above zero. These findings underscore the diverse impacts of the treatment on various physiological markers. Conclusion Prospective sepsis treatment studies offer a nuanced grasp of real-world effectiveness, linking controlled experiments to clinical reality. Despite biases, they contribute to evidence-based strategies, acknowledging clinical complexities. This practical approach guides healthcare professionals with adaptable, patient-centered methods. Emphasis on rigorous statistical methodologies enhances comprehension. Integrating observational and experimental data enriches our understanding of sepsis management. Overall, these studies shape holistic approaches for effective treatment.

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