
Th ere is a drastic change of life style and food habits in the present era. Individuals are subjected to enormous amount of stress and strain thereby causing a deleterious effect on quality of life. Compounding the stress and strain are the environmental factors and poor qua lity of nutrition. Because of pollution and indiscriminate use of pesticides the quality of nutrition has deter iorated significantly. It causes Pandu Roga , one of the commonest and most prevalent diseases known to mankind . Vitiated Pitta Pradhana Tridosha vitiates Rakta as Rakta is Pittavargiya and disease like Pandu Roga appears. Pathyaa Ghrita is Tridoshahara, es pecially Pitta - Vatashamaka and Rasayana (rejuvenative) properties. A randomized controlled open clinical trial was conducted with aims t o evaluate the efficacy of Pathyaa Ghrita and Vidangadi Loha. Total 17 patients of Pandu Roga of age group between 16 to 60 years having Hb 6gm% to 10gm% were treated with Vidangadi Loha (4 tab 250mg each BDS ) along with Pathyaa Ghrita (15ml at morning) for 6 w ee ks respectively. Assessment was done on the basis of relief in clinical sign - symptom s and hematological parameters. Therapy provided h ighly significant result on signs and symptoms of Pandu Roga except Nidraluta (excessive sleep) .

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