
Helminthiases are fairly widespread human parasitic diseases caused by various lower worms - helminths. In the Russian Federation, more than 4.5 million cases of helminthiasis were registered in 2016. According to the WHO Expert Committee, ascariasis affects about 900 million people in the world every year, most of whom are children of preschool and school age. In the Russian Federation, 24,115 cases of ascariasis were registered in 2015. The true prevalence of helminthiasis is much higher. In recent decades, there has been an increase in and manifestation of new helminth infestations as a result of changes in economic and socio-economic conditions, increased migration, and the introduction of helminths, common in countries with tropical and subtropical climates, to Russia. The possibility of a patient having one or another type of helminthiasis is practically not taken into account in clinical practice, which leads to incorrect diagnosis, the development of complications of the disease, and its transition to a chronic form. As a rule, helminthiases are relatively asymptomatic, but in some cases their local manifestations come to the fore clinically and the disease occurs under the guise of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

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