
: To assess corneal complications and visual outcome of manual small incision cataract surgery.: This study comprises of 227 patients in a tertiary care centre in Kolar district, who underwent MSICS were examined for corneal complications and visual outcome postoperatively on Day 1, 1 week, and at the end of 6 week also visual acuity (VA) assessment, anterior segment evaluation with slit lamp biomicroscopy, posterior segment evaluation using indirect ophthalmoscopy, and keratometry was done.227 participants were included in the study, of whom 138 (61%) were female and 89 (39%) were male. The maximum number of patients being in the age group of 61-70 (42.7%). OCTET grading was done for corneal edema patients and on post op Day 1, total 62 patients who had corneal edema in the study were graded according to OCTET classification, and 6 patients (9.6%) had grade 1, 17 patients (27.4%) had grade 2 and 39 patients (63%) had grade 3. At the end of 6 week postoperatively, 45 patients had clear cornea, and 5 patients (8%) had grade 1, 6 patients (9.5%) had grade 2, and 7 patients (11.1%) had grade 3, and 82.3% of patients had VA of 6/6 to 6/9 followed by 11% had 6/12 to 6/18 and 6.6% had 6/24 to 6/36.: Small incision cataract surgery is most cost-effective surgery if corneal endothelium is protected during surgery and will have early visual rehabilitation.

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