
Because of its wide distribution in the organism, natural somatostatin (SRIF) demonstrates an ample spectrum of actions, involving mainly the central neuroendocrine system and the enteropancreatic area. In the former, this peptide may find its field of application in conditions characterized by excessive GH, TSH or ACTH secretion, depending on the central or peripheral cause of the inappropriate hormone control. The inhibitory effect of SRIF on gastrointestinal and pancreatic hormones may be useful in the management of tumors originating in this system and also in the treatment of inflammatory processes such as pancreatitis, in malignant diarrhea, and in gastrointestinal bleeding. A complex action of SRIF and its derivative on insulin release and glucose homeostasis may offer some advantages in the control of unstable diabetes. Dampening of organic functions in the upper digestive tract may also render SRIF and its analogues useful in the exploration of the gallbladder, gastric and pancreatic functions. The effect of such peptides on tissue growth and on the regulation of blood pressure are the subject of present investigations. Cytoprotection, an interesting aspect of SRIF application, is discussed elsewhere in this compendium. Finally, some comments on the possible use of SRIF as an additive to the conventional treatment of burns and sepsis close this review.

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