
There is evidence that teachers encounter more stress than people in other professions. Stressors in teachinginclude students’ misbehaviour, excess workload, and time pressure among others. Teachers in developingcountries like Nigeria encounter additional stressors outside common job stressors. Stressors peculiar toteachers in developing countries include transportation issues, cultural challenges, and delays in paymentof salary. High level of stress in teaching results to health problems, burnout, absenteeism, attrition, andstudents’ behavioural and academic underperformance. Stress management is necessary to reduce orescape stress consequences, and rational-emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) has been widely applied tostress management and behavioural issues across contexts. This review presents the finding of a study thatclinically applied Rational-Emotive Health Education Intervention (REHEI) Programme, developed fromthe perspective of REBT principles for stress management in teachers. The finding shows that many teachersundergo a high level of job stress and REHEI significantly reduced stress and irrational beliefs causing stressamong teachers. Implications for the study for policy and future studies were pointed out.

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