
Research relevance: clinical and instrumental methods are important components in determining the pathogenetic factors underlying clinical manifestations in disorder of the respiratory system. Long-term exposure to air pollution caused by transport, industrial facilities adversely affect the health conditions, in particular of respiratory system. Research objectives: to conduct a comparative analysis of clinical and instrumental signs of disorders of the respiratory system in residents of the regions of Kyrgyzstan with varying degrees of air pollution. Research materials and methods: atmospheric air pollution analysis was carried out in accordance with GOST The content of dust, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide in the air was determined. Research results: an analysis of the incidence of respiratory organs diseases among the population was carried out in three areas of Kyrgyzstan, in which samples of atmospheric air were taken in the village Papan, village Gulbar of the Aravan district, near the Osh city. Conclusions: It is extremely important to constantly monitor the atmosphere composition and assess air quality, as well as efforts to its improvement. The development of a set of appropriate organizational and medical measures will certainly help improve the health status of the population.

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