
Comprehensive assessment of the main environmental parameters in Ukraine in accordance with EU Directives requires a thorough improvement of the environmental monitoring system. In the present time, the assessment of atmospheric air quality is carried out by an automated and instrumental method of determining the concentrations of pollutants, each of which has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the purpose of the work was to conduct a comparative analysis of the reliability of the results of measuring the concentrations of pollutants in atmospheric air. The study was conducted on the example of average monthly dust concentrations measured over 18 months by an automated and instrumental method at one of the stationary observation posts in the city of Kamianske. According to the results of observations, it was found that according to instrumental methods, the average monthly concentrations of dust are 10—50 times higher than the indicators obtained by automated measurement methods, however, none of the methods revealed an excess of the maximum permissible concentrations in the atmospheric air of coarse dust. In order to verify the effectiveness of the city's environmental monitoring system, a comparison of the average monthly volume of dust emissions with its average monthly concentrations measured by automated and instrumental methods was carried out. The developed mathematical models of a polynomial nature indicate the dependence of average monthly concentrations on the average monthly volume of emissions, which is confirmed by high correlation coefficients r = 0.658 and r = 0.975 for automated and instrumental measurement methods, respectively. The established reliability of the results of measurements of average monthly concentrations of dust in the atmospheric air requires thorough research due to increasing the number and frequency of obtaining monitoring data, considering meteorological parameters, relief-forming factors, etc. It was noted that the primary task of improving the city's environmental monitoring system is to equip existing observation posts with devices for monitoring dust PM2.5 and PM10, as well as to increase the number of active environmental monitoring posts.

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