For pathophysiologic studies on diabetics with special reference to the functional activities of pancreatic islets, the most reliable method of studies is the routine followups of blood levels of pancreatic hormones, i.e., insulin and glucagon. Owing to the technical difficulties, no direct estimation of both hormonal activities in the blood could be obtained until quite recently. In the 2nd Medical Department of Kobe Medical College, members of the research staff investigated the Insulin-like activity and Glucagon-like activity of blood (hereafter abbreviated as Insulin-value and Glucagon-value) with the rat diaphragm method and with the rat liver slice method. (Shimazu : The Japanese Journal of Gastro-Enterology, 57 827, 1960., Shinko : reported before the first ASIA and Oceania Regional Congress of Endocrinology in 1959.). The author has tried to clarify the mode of hormonal and nutritional control of endocrine activity of pancreatic islets by using these methods. As nutritional extra factors, the infusion of Amino-acid preparations and Fat emulsions were used. The results of various clinical and experimental observations are summarized as follows : 1. Intramuscular injection of 15 to 30 units Growth hormone to kittens, induced an elevation of Glucagon-value and a decrease of Insulin-value in 30 minutes. This phenomenon was more conspicuous with higher Growth hormone doses. 2. An injection of 30 to 50 units Growth hormone to normal dogs brought about an increase of Glucagon-value as the first step, followed by an increase of Insulin-value This was more conspicuous with higher Growth hormone doses. The blood sugar rate showed no regular increase or decrease as compared to the hormonal hypersecretion or hyposecretion. 3. Continuous intravenous drip of 5 to 15 units ACTH to dogs for 60 minutes induced no regular hormonal response from the pancreatic islets and effected no change of blood sugar level. Thus the single injection of ACTH seems to influence no regular response. 4. Intramuscular injection of 25 units ACTH to normal subjects induced an elevation of Glucagon-value and a lowering of Insulin-value in 2 hours, but in 3 hours these values returned to the pre-injection level. 5. Growth hormone, ACTH and Hydrocortisone were administered by in ramuscular injections for 6 to 8 days in dogs and then they were treated with continuous drip of 250c.c. 5% glucose solution. The responses of Insulin-value and Glucagon-value were determined simultaneously with the blood sugar response. Insulin-value showed a slight increase or almost no response, whereas Glucagon-value showed the high starting level from which no further distinct increase or decrease was observed. ACTH-treated dogs showed an elevation of Glucagon-value and blood glucose level following the drip and they nearly returned to the pretreatment level. Simultaneous observations of Insulin-value revealed no regular increase or decrease. Hydrocortisone-treated dogs showed an elevation of Glucagon-value in parallel with the elevation of blood sugar level, whereas Insulin-value showed a decrease. The reverse change wasobserved in Glucagon-value and Insulin-value as the blood sugar level went down. 6. Diabetogenicity of Growth hormone, ACTH and Hydrocortisone were compared with cach other from the aspect of Insulin Mobilizing Index formulated as follows : Insulin Mobilizing Index=_ (A-V one hour after glucose loading) - (A-V before glucose loading) Median blood glucose value× 100 where A-V means arterial blood glucose value-venous blood glucose value. Lowest Insulin Mobilizing Index was observed with Growth hormone, ACTH came next and with Hydrocortisone, an almost normal value was observed. 7. From the observation of Insulin-value and Glucagon-value in case of various endocrine disorders and in dogs treated with Growth hormone, ACTH and Hydrocortisone respectively,
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