Using an extensive network of occurrence records for 293 plant species collected over the past 40 years across a climatically diverse geographic section of western North America, we find that plant species distributions were just as likely to shift upwards (i.e., towards higher elevations) as downward (i.e., towards lower elevations)–despite consistent warming across the study area. Although there was no clear directional response to climate warming across the entire study area, there was significant region- to region- variation in responses (i.e. from as many as 73% to as few as 32% of species shifting upward). To understand the factors that might be controlling region-specific distributional shifts of plant species, we explored the relationship between the direction of change in distribution limits and the nature of recent climate change. We found that the direction that distribution limits shifted was explained by an interaction between the rate of change in local summer temperatures and seasonal precipitation. Specifically, species were more likely to shift upward at their upper elevational limit when minimum temperatures increased and snowfall was unchanging or declined at slower rates (<0.5 mm/year). This suggests that both low temperature and water availability limit upward shifts at upper elevation limits. By contrast, species were more likely to shift upwards at their lower elevation limit when maximum temperatures increased, but also shifted upwards under conditions of cooling temperatures when precipitation decreased. This suggests increased water stress may drive upward shifts at lower elevation limits. Our results suggest that species’ elevational distribution shifts are not predictable by climate warming alone but depend on the interaction between seasonal temperature and precipitation change.
Many studies document distribution shifts of plants, suggesting that distribution limits are determined by climatic factors [1] and that species are already responding to changes in these factors [2, 3]
Upward shifts were more prevalent at lower elevation limits (59%; 264/444) and distribution means (50.5%) than at upper elevation limits (45%; 198/444)
Across western North America, species distributions are shifting in response to climate change, but in a way that suggests factors in addition to warming are important
Many studies document distribution shifts of plants, suggesting that distribution limits are determined by climatic factors [1] and that species are already responding to changes in these factors [2, 3]. Documented and projected distribution shifts are towards the poles or higher elevations, with high species-to-species variability in responses [3,4,5,6]. 1054012 to JH, NSF DEB PRFB #DEB-1103734 to MH). Findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
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