
This study examines rainfall trends, variability and small-scale farmer adaptation strategies to climate change in setema-Gatira area of Jimma, Southwestern Ethiopia. In this study, the trends and variability of rainfall were analyzed for Setema and Gatira meteorological stations. Daily rainfall data for two stations were obtained from National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia. Mann-Kendall’s test was employed for a rainfall trend analysis. Standardized rainfall anomaly index, rainfall concentration index and coefficient of variation were used as descriptors of rainfall variability. The coping mechanism was analyzed using means and frequency. The trend analysis revealed decreasing rainfall trend in Setema and increasing trend in Gatira. However, rainfall trends were not statistically significant (p 16 in setema which indicate poor monthly distribution. Monthly rainfall concentration range from moderate to high and total rainfall of the study area concentrated in ½ of the period. The standardized anomalies of annual rainfall revealed negative anomalies 42% at Setema and 50% of years at Gatira. All most in all stations annual rainfall has shown negative anomalies for much of the 1983/4 and 1994. Selling livestock and changing farming practices was the major response to climate variability in the area. Present study only showed local level rainfall trend and variability analysis, so future study should include watershed or regional levels.

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