
Litchi (Litchi chinensis) plantations in new areas without any land suitability assessment putting small farmers at risk of economic loss. The unique capability of the Geographical information system (GIS) for integration, analysis, and interpretation of spatial data has been leveraged for the identification, and mapping of potential litchi cultivation zones in India to help farmers and policymakers make informed decisions. Five climate-derived parameters including the number of days per year having a minimum temperature <12 °C (CumD-Tmin < 12), number of days per year having a minimum temperature <0 °C (CumD-Tmin < 0), number of days per year having a mean temperature <20 °C (CumD-Tmean < 20), highest daily maximum temperature (°C) (Thmax) and average annual rainfall (mm), and eight soil parameters viz. soil depth, clay content, slope, stoniness, drainage conditions, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon were identified as suitability parameters. Geospatial data at a grid 0.1° × 0.1° of all the identified climate parameters and spatial layers of eight soil data were analysed using Arc-GIS 10.2. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was used for assigning relative weightage to the suitability parameters. Using the weighted sum of feature layers, a climate suitability map, a soil suitability map and finally a litchi cultivation potential zones (LCPZs) map were developed. The northward shift of the suitability zone is indicated under climate change projections. The new approach of identifying suitability parameters in relation to the plant’s requirement and its integration in GIS using AHP can be extended to other crops and regions.

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