
The possibilities of using non-biological methods for clarifying sewage from poultry farms are presented, which testify to the high efficiency of using electrochemical technologies. Unlike biological purification, the technology of electro-chemosorption clarification provides for a rigid treatment regime, when not only minerals, organic substances are oxidized, but also microorganisms and all persistent specific contaminants falling into the poultry drains occur. It has been revealed that electro-chemisorption plants can purify effluents to the maximum permissible concentrations over a wider range of contamination levels.


  • The possibilities of using non-biological methods for clarifying sewage from poultry farms are presented, which testify to the high efficiency of using electrochemical technologies

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The possibilities of using non-biological methods for clarifying sewage from poultry farms are presented, which testify to the high efficiency of using electrochemical technologies. ОЧИСТКА СТОКОВ ПТИЦЕХОЗЯЙСТВ С УЧЕТОМ ЭКОЛОГИИ И РЕСУРСОСБЕРЕЖЕНИЯ Представлены возможности применения небиологических способов осветления стоков птицеводческих хозяйств, свидетельствующие о высокой эффективности использования электрохимических технологий.

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