
Abstract Four insecticides were applied at planting time at a site near Coleridge, NE, on 11 May. The soil type was silty clay loam and the previous crop was alfalfa. The field was prepared by killing the alfalfa with 2,4-D, disking once, and using a field finisher before planting. Very little plant residue remained. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 replicates. Each treatment consisted of 2 rows 16 m long, with 2 untreated rows between each treatment; rows were 76.2 cm apart. Granular materials were applied in a 17.8 cm band by a John Deere 2-row planter equipped with a cone-belt insecticide distributer and incorporated by tines. Ambush 2 E was broadcast applied immediately after planting, with a 4-nozzle CO2 back pack sprayer equipped with T-jet 8002 nozzles applying approximately 177 liters/ha total volume at 25 psi. Spray width was 1.66 m. Topsoil moisture was adequate at time of planting and no rain fell during the evaluation period. No phytotoxicity was observed. Plots were evaluated by counting plants remaining on either side of a randomly selected 6.66 m length marked between the two treated rows. Final plant stand count was taken on 6 Jun.

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