
For a long time, plants have shown a crucial role in our life, manufacturing and industry. However, a large number of diseases have significantly affected to the production of plants. The detection and diagnosis of the diseases are necessary to improve the production of plants. In recent years, the automatic classification of plant diseases using artificial intelligence and computer vision have attracted a huge number of researches. The paper presents a classification method of plant leaf diseases using various Deep Neural Networks (e.g., Alexnet, Resnet-50, Densenet-121). The color features have significantly affected the classification accuracy. Therefore, we analyzed and compared the classification accuracy on two public datasets (Plant village leaf datasets) that consist of color and grayscale images. The method obtained the classification accuracy of 98.08% and 92% on color and grayscale images, respectively. The obtained results showed the effectiveness of the method. Based on the obtained results, the impact of color features to the classification accuracy of various Deep Neural Networks is analyzed in the paper. Moreover, the paper compares the performance of various optimization algorithms during the training process of deep neural networks to classify leaf diseases.

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