
As the main objects of technological preparation for the production of parts, the part, the technological process of its manufacture, the machine tool, the machine retaining device, and the tool setup are considered. The analysis of the classifications of the listed objects showed the absence of full-fledged classifications of parts, technological processes for their manufacture and instrumental setups; the classification of machine tools and machine retaining devices does not reflect the links between them and the technology of parts manufacturing. The noted shortcomings of the listed classifications lead to an increase in labor intensity and a decrease in the quality of technological preparation of production. The article describes a methodological approach to the construction of technological classifications, reflecting the relationship between objects and the technology of parts manufacturing. Characteristics of the objects associated with the technology of parts manufacturing are proposed as distinctive features for the construction of technological parts classifications, technological processes, machine tools, machine retaining devices and instrumental setups. The use of technological classifications will reduce labor intensity and improve the quality of technological preparation of production.

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