
The multifaceted applications of drones in addressing humanitarian challenges, enhancing governance services, medical assistance, and security considerations. Drones are showcased as adaptable and swift responders in conflict or disaster-affected areas, mitigating risks for humanitarian workers and delivering crucial supplies to remote locations. The integration of digital technology in governance services is discussed, emphasizing transparency, efficacy, and reduced corruption. The study also introduces a taxonomy for GPS- guided drones in medical supply delivery, highlighting challenges in accuracy and cost reduction. Drones' wide- ranging potential uses, from police operations to advertising and shipment transportation, are outlined. A comprehensive evaluation of drone security, from consumer drones to military systems, is provided, along with preventive suggestions. Machine learning algorithms for drone detection and classification, showcasing the proposed DDI system's capability to accurately identify intruding drones and their operational modes. machine learning in the context of used drones, focusing on detection and classification. The study assesses various machine learning algorithms, including image processing, sound analysis, and RF signal-based techniques, to identify and classify drones effectively. Data from diverse sensors are utilized for feature extraction, employing algorithms such as Deep Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, and deep belief networks. The proposed DDI system adopts an RF-based approach and integrates a Deep Learning algorithm for precise detection and identification of used or intruding drones.

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