
A new semi-supervised approach based on deep learning and active learning for classification of electrocardiogram signals (ECG) is proposed. The objective of the proposed work is to model a scientific method for classification of cardiac irregularities using electrocardiogram beats. The model follows the Association for the Advancement of medical instrumentation (AAMI) standards and consists of three phases. In phase I, feature representation of ECG is learnt using Gaussian-Bernoulli deep belief network followed by a linear support vector machine (SVM) training in the consecutive phase. It yields three deep models which are based on AAMI-defined classes, namely N, V, S, and F. In the last phase, a query generator is introduced to interact with the expert to label few beats to improve accuracy and sensitivity. The proposed approach depicts significant improvement in accuracy with minimal queries posed to the expert and fast online training as tested on the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database and the MIT-BIH Supra-ventricular Arrhythmia Database (SVDB). With 100 queries labeled by the expert in phase III, the method achieves an accuracy of 99.5% in "S" versus all classifications (SVEB) and 99.4% accuracy in "V " versus all classifications (VEB) on MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database. In a similar manner, it is attributed that an accuracy of 97.5% for SVEB and 98.6% for VEB on SVDB database is achieved respectively. Graphical Abstract Reply- Deep belief network augmented by active learning for efficient prediction of arrhythmia.

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