
The article outlines the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition and study of subjective well-being. Based on the results of an empirical study (analysis of focused group discussions), the author of the article identifies and describes eight ideal typical subjective models of wellbeing, typical for residents of megalopolises and big cities of Russia, men and women aged 23 – 28 years and 38 – 45 years old, employees having permanent employment, with secondary and higher education, and different levels of material wealth. It’s about «ideal types» in the interpretation of Max Weber, that is, not existing in reality, but presented by respondents as some ideal situation of well-being. In the first model of «balance of all important vital components», well-being consists in a harmonious combination of all important aspects of human life. In the second model of the «meaning of well-being in the family», the family is the goal and meaning of life. The third model «well-being as freedom» is based on the paramount importance of free time. In the fourth model of material wealth, well-being is primarily money. The fifth model «the meaning of well-being in work and career growth» focuses on career advancement, and the sixth model «the meaning of well-being in personal development, life experience and public acknowledgement» is a feeling of self-sufficiency. The seventh model of «well-being as happiness and spiritual harmony» brings to the fore the state of joy in life. In the eighth model «well-being as the prospect of a successful future, stability and certainty» the main prospects for the future. The author concludes that the idea of employees about their own ill-being and the ill-being of others is built in the process of correlating their own or the proposed life situation with the subjective ideal model of well-being that they adhere to, and depends on the degree to which the ideal presentation corresponds to real events.


  • The third model «well-being as freedom» is based on the paramount importance of free time

  • The fifth model «the meaning of well-being in work and career growth» focuses on career advancement, and the sixth model «the meaning of well-being in personal development, life experience and public acknowledgement» is a feeling of self-sufficiency

  • The seventh model of «well-being as happiness and spiritual harmony» brings to the fore the state of joy in life

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Социология социальных групп

Субъективные оценки благополучия: теоретические основания, методологические подходы к измерению, результаты исследования. А. Субъективные оценки благополучия: теоретические основания, методологические подходы к измерению, результаты исследования // Социологическая наука и социальная практика. Опираясь на результаты эмпирического исследования (анализ фокусированных групповых дискуссий), автор статьи выделяет и описывает восемь идеальных типовых субъективных моделей благополучия, характерных для жителей мегаполисов и крупных городов России, мужчин и женщин в возрасте 23–28 и 38–45 лет, наёмных работников со средним и высшим образованием и разным уровнем материального достатка, имеющих постоянную занятость. В первой модели – «баланс всех важных жизненных составляющих» – благополучие заключается в гармоничном сочетании всех важных сторон жизни человека. Во второй модели – «смысл благополучия в семье» – семья является целью и смыслом жизни. Ключевые слова: благополучие, неблагополучие, субъективное благополучие, идеальные типовые субъективные модели благополучия, жизненные ситуации, фокусгрупповые дискуссии

Субъективные оценки благополучия
Низкий и средний
Полученные результаты
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