Abstract Classic CAH presenting in adulthood: Experience from a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH) is one of the most common genetic disorders transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. Of the various forms CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency is most common. Based on the clinical phenotype CAH can be classified as classic and non-classic form. It is very rare for classic CAH to present in adulthood. We describe 3 patients with classic CAH presenting in adulthood. Case 1: 21 year old female presented with complaint of not attaining menarche. She had features of virilisation t with a modified Ferriman Gallwey(FG) score of 18/36, pubic hair stage 4 and atrophied breasts. Genital examination revealed clitoromegaly (CI-100 mm2) with Prader stage 2. Biochemical evaluation revealed elevated levels of serum testosterone (257.2 ng/dl), 17-hydroxy progesterone(332 ng/ml), DHEAS(417 µg/dl) and PRA of 34ng/ml/hr. Case 2: 30 year old female presented with complaint of primary infertility for 5 years. She had history of delayed menarche at 20 years and oligomenorrheic cycles since last 10 years. On examination there was hirsutism with a modified FG score of 15/36, pubic hair stage 5 with atrophied breasts. Genital examination revealed symmetrical genitalia with nonpalpable gonads, clitiromegaly(CI=135mm2) and a single urogenital opening (Prader stage 3). Biochemical evaluation revealed elevated levels of serum testosterone (812ng/dl), 17-hydroxy progesterone (164.8 ng/ml), DHEAS (503 µg/dl) and PRA of 42ng/ml/hr. Case 3: 26 year old female presented with complaint of noticing excessive hair growth in androgen dependent areas. On examination there was short stature,modified FG score 16/36, pubic hair stage 5 with atrophied breasts. Genital examination revealed clitoromegaly (CI=75mm2) with Prader stage 2. Biochemical evaluation revealed elevated levels of serum testosterone (254.2 ng/dl), 17-hydroxy progesterone (351.8 ng/ml), DHEAS (296.2 µg/dl) and PRA of 30ng/ml/hr. Karyotype in all the three patients was 46,XX. All our patients had serum testosterone values in tumorous range, however imaging studies didnot reveal any evidence of malignancy in the adrenals except for occurrence of a single right adrenal nodule of size 2×2.1cm with precontrast HU of <10 and absolute contrast washout of >60% in case 2. Based on clinical and biochemical findings a diagnosis of classic CAH was made. They were started on corticosteroid and mineralocorticoid replacement. In all of the above three patients none of them had been evaluated for the presenting complaints prior to visiting our centre. Failure of implementation of neonatal screening for CAH in many centres in India and the social stigma associated with genital ambiguity are contributory to the delay in diagnosis of CAH.
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