
China and the EU should not be inharmonious in global governance if both sides grasp the true essence of the relations and our times. This paper argues that the real reason for China-EU disharmony is the clash of identities. China is trying to keep balance among four identities: i) developing country; ii) emerging power; iii) eastern civilization; and, iv) socialist state; while the EU also holds four identities in the eyes of Chinese: i) the biggest developed bloc, ii) post-modern model, iii) western civilization and iv) European capitalism. This entails four paradigms for China-EU relations: i) relations between the biggest developing country and the biggest developed bloc, ii) between an emerging power and post-modern model, iii) between eastern and western civilizations, and iv) between socialism and capitalism. The dynamic identities of both China and the EU lead to natural partnership for the two key players in constructing a multipolar world and ushering in effective multilateralism while at the same time result in clash of identities between each other. In the eyes of Europeans, it is difficult for China to hide behind the developing country curtain, being expected to play a more responsible role as an emerging global power, competing with and confusing the EU with its reserved and efficient way in dealing with global issues as eastern civilization and socialist state. And vice versa, in Chinese eyes, the EU is failing to represent the developed countries, the post modern model, the western bloc, and capitalism. The mission for China and the EU is to bridge the identity and misperception gaps and seek new global consensus towards a harmonious world, while leaping forward on the back of common interests, common challenges and common values.

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