
Civil society organizations are among the most important non-official institutions independent of state authority. Today, they are a cultural necessity and a social force that has no special goals. It has lofty goals and principles, including the establishment of a culture of dialogue and peaceful coexistence and the consolidation of the values of citizenship and human rights 
 The period following the events of 2003 witnessed the establishment of a large number of these organizations in Iraq because of the political evolution and the accompanying democratic and political parties and the change in the structure and management of the system. These organizations played a large role in Iraq after 2003 to the occupation of a large Iraq, which requires directing the resources of the state for the liberation of Iraqi territory, and the elimination of this organization, as these organizations to play a major role in building peace and the transformation of conflict and prevent the arrival of violence through the creation of an appropriate environment and address the factors and the dynamics of this conflict from In the development of a comprehensive approach, and rehabilitation of Iraqi society, which is suffering from a new type of relations based on suspicion and suspicion, after the foundations of community coexistence in Iraq were hit 
 Peace building and resolution of conflicts, especially the major ones, which often have multiple causes, require great efforts by the State, civil society organizations and individuals, as well as international support, by studying the causes of these conflicts and exploring the root causes of violence and applying methods based on the cooperation of the parties to the conflict In a satisfactory manner, taking into account the cultural and religious diversity of all parties. This is done by providing the appropriate political, economic, social, cultural and security environment to reduce the violence and avoid returning it again by forcing individuals to reconsider their values and perhaps some of their extremist ideas. They have inherited it through their dealings with Qadash during the period of control over their areas, the decline of state authority, and the achievement of human security based on the citizen, to build peace, which is one of the main pillars in rebuilding the country that has been subjected to wars in order to get rid of the effects of conflicts and conflicts. And not to return to the future and ensure the security of the countries of the world.

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