
Are the elites opposed to NGOs?’ ‘Do the bureaucratic elite see NGOs as threat?’ Do the NGOs enjoy confidence of the community? These questions have been raised and approached from the angles of various theoretical perspectives in civil society literature. The answers have often been tinged with ideological and normative orientation of the scholars than that of empirical analysis. The present micro level exploratory study conducted in the state of Odisha has intersected the empirical referents of these queries. The study makes an attempt to assess the discernment of elites about nature and activities of the NGOs along with present GO-NGO equations in the State. The article also tries to articulate the future course of civil society in Odisha on the basis of the present dynamics in the sector. The findings of the study demystify many common assumptions about elite and NGOs and contribute towards development of ‘middle range theories’ between empiricism and grand theories on State and civil society discourse.

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