
Global Citizenship Education as espoused by UNESCO is a mirror that is only reflecting what Civic Education is in the context of Zambia and at the same time through the reflections, helps Zambia see the missing patches in the beauty of offering Civic Education. The two forms of education (GCED or Civic Education) are complementary. However, it is important to acknowledge at the onset that Global Citizenship Education has well-thought approaches that the practice of Civic Education has in recent past failed to apply especially in the context of Zambia, thus the need to emphasize GCED without abandoning the goals of Civic Education. In this article, we explore the relationship between Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Civic Education in Zambia. We do not attempt to suggest that GCED should be introduced in the school system as part of the curricula. Doing so would be a repetition of what Civic Education is already addressing. However, we propose that Civic Education in Zambia must adopt the pedagogies that GCED brings on board in addressing the various key issues affecting humanity in today’s globalized world. Teaching Civic Education through the lenses of GCED would well help the civic education curriculum meet its desired goals at all levels of the education system through a well thought-globalised nature of human interaction.

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