
Abstract Treatments were applied to randomized 3 acre plots (air) and 2 acre plots (ground). The trees were 25+ yr-old and 12-15 ft tall. Aerial treatments were applied with AG CAT spray plane equipped with a micronair spray system boom and nozzles at 15 GPA. Flight path was above the tree row. Ground treatments were applied with an FMC airblast sprayer with sonar “Tree-See” sensors in 250 gal/acre. One half-acre plot was left unsprayed. During aerial applications, temperatures ranged from 74° to 81°F, RH was about 90%, and winds less than 2 mph. During ground applications, temperatures ranged from 75° to 89°F, RH went from 88% to 72%, and winds less than 4 mph. No rain occurred during or immediately after either application. Twenty-five fruit were examined around the canopy of 2 randomly selected trees in each of 4 subplots for a total of 8 trees/treatment. A 1 cm2 area was examined on each of 2 shaded sides/fruit. The 2 fruit counts were combined, averaged, and recorded as one observation. All treatments including the untreated check received 2 lbs/A metallic copper for greasy spot control.

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