
Citrus leprosis is one of the most important diseases affecting citrus crops in the Americas. Mexico is the sixth largest producer of oranges and the largest producer of limes worldwide. Citrus leprosis was first detected in Mexico as recently as 2005. Since then, this disease has been detected in all Mexican citrus producing areas. Here, we describe the current geographical distribution of the viruses associated with the Citrus leprosis (CiLV-C and OFV-Cit) and its vectors which are mite species in the genus Brevipalpus. We describe the outcomes of transmission experiments undertaken in Mexican populations of B. yothersi and B. californicus on different citrus species. Potential relationships between symptoms and the presence of CiLV-C and/or OFV-Cit are described. Finally, we identify future research needed to increase our knowledge of the epidemiology of citrus leprosis in Mexico.

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