Accumulation of citric acid is a major determinant of maturity and fruit quality in citrus. Many citrus varieties accumulate citric acid in concentrations that exceed market desires, reducing grower income and consumer satisfaction. Citrate is accumulated in the vacuole of the juice sac cell, a process that requires both metabolic changes and transport across cellular membranes, in particular, the mitochondrial and the vacuolar (tonoplast) membranes. Although the accumulation of citrate in the vacuoles of juice cells has been clearly demonstrated, the mechanisms for vacuolar citrate homeostasis and the components controlling citrate metabolism and transport are still unknown. Previous results in the PIs’ laboratories have indicated that the expression of a large number of a large number of proteins is enhanced during fruit development, and that the regulation of sugar and acid content in fruits is correlated with the differential expression of a large number of proteins that could play significant roles in fruit acid accumulation and/or regulation of acid content. The objectives of this proposal are: i) the characterization of transporters that mediate the transport of citrate and determine their role in uptake/retrieval in juice sac cells; ii) the study of citric acid metabolism, in particular the effect of arsenical compounds affecting citric acid levels and mobilization; and iii) the development of a citrus fruit proteomics platform to identify and characterize key processes associated with fruit development in general and sugar and acid accumulation in particular. The understanding of the cellular processes that determine the citrate content in citrus fruits will contribute to the development of tools aimed at the enhancement of citrus fruit quality. Our efforts resulted in the identification, cloning and characterization of CsCit1 (Citrus sinensis citrate transporter 1) from Navel oranges (Citrus sinesins cv Washington). Higher levels of CsCit1 transcripts were detected at later stages of fruit development that coincided with the decrease in the juice cell citrate concentrations (Shimada et al., 2006). Our functional analysis revealed that CsCit1 mediates the vacuolar efflux of citrate and that the CsCit1 operates as an electroneutral 1CitrateH2-/2H+ symporter. Our results supported the notion that it is the low permeable citrateH2 - the anion that establishes the buffer capacity of the fruit and determines its overall acidity. On the other hand, it is the more permeable form, CitrateH2-, which is being exported into the cytosol during maturation and controls the citrate catabolism in the juice cells. Our Mass-Spectrometry-based proteomics efforts (using MALDI-TOF-TOF and LC2- MS-MS) identified a large number of fruit juice sac cell proteins and established comparisons of protein synthesis patterns during fruit development. So far, we have identified over 1,500 fruit specific proteins that play roles in sugar metabolism, citric acid cycle, signaling, transport, processing, etc., and organized these proteins into 84 known biosynthetic pathways (Katz et al. 2007). This data is now being integrated in a public database and will serve as a valuable tool for the scientific community in general and fruit scientists in particular. Using molecular, biochemical and physiological approaches we have identified factors affecting the activity of aconitase, which catalyze the first step of citrate catabolism (Shlizerman et al., 2007). Iron limitation specifically reduced the activity of the cytosolic, but not the mitochondrial, aconitase, increasing the acid level in the fruit. Citramalate (a natural compound in the juice) also inhibits the activity of aconitase, and it plays a major role in acid accumulation during the first half of fruit development. On the other hand, arsenite induced increased levels of aconitase, decreasing fruit acidity. We have initiated studies aimed at the identification of the citramalate biosynthetic pathway and the role(s) of isopropylmalate synthase in this pathway. These studies, especially those involved aconitase inhibition by citramalate, are aimed at the development of tools to control fruit acidity, particularly in those cases where acid level declines below the desired threshold. Our work has significant implications both scientifically and practically and is directly aimed at the improvement of fruit quality through the improvement of existing pre- and post-harvest fruit treatments.
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