
The circular economy is the opposite of the concept guided by the principle of "take, produce, spend and throw away". The circular economy model implies a change in the paradigm of resource management in an efficient and smart way. Such a concept is based on eco-innovations, eco-design, advanced technologies, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. The production method used in the linear economy is unsustainable and creates large amounts of waste, the disposal of which is based on the mistaken belief that resources are inexhaustible, as well as that the space for waste disposal is unlimited. It is a new economic model that ensures the sustainable management of resources, the extension of the life of products with the aim of reducing waste, and the increased use of renewable energy sources. In contrast to the linear economy, this is a business concept in which resource and energy flows are maintained in a closed-loop model, where products are tried to circulate as long as possible in a circular cycle. The emphasis is on the production and design of products that can be easily disassembled into parts, do not contain hazardous substances, and will have a long life and be easily repaired.

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