
The object detection system is very important in an automatic mobile robot system. The functions of this system for a navigation robot are to find objects and also at the same time to avoid obstacle. Detecting objects here including the shape, size, and color of object. Various implementations of robot detection have been made in various fields, especially in industrial field. In this study, a circular object detection application system was developed using the Hough Circle Transformation method. Circle object detection system developed in the following stages: Image processing (capturing video from the camera, BRG color conversion to Gray scale, and Gaussian Blur); the application of Hough Circle Transformation; and calculation of diameter and distance of circle objects. The test results show that the system works well to detect circle objects in various variations of the object given. The system can also detect the distance of circle objects with an average error of 8.17%. By contrast, upon measuring circle object diameter, the system can measure with an average error of 5.55%.

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