
Part 1: Historical context. A review of the literature. Film and narrative medicine: cinemeducation and the development of narrative competence. Part 2: The individual and family life cycle.Child and adolescent development. Adult developmental issues through life cycle. Family dynamics. A life cycle approach to sexuality. Chronic illness. Geriatric medicine. Life threatening illness/end of life. Part 3: Adult diagnostic categories. Post traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety, depression and somatoform disorders. Chemical dependency. Family violence. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Personality and dissociative disorders. Eating disorders. Part 4: The doctor-patient relationship. Interviewing skills. The professional and personal self of the physician. The difficult patient. Ethics and human values. Medical error. Lifestyle modification. Part 5: Specific populations. Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. Complementary and alternative medicine. Cultural diversity. Physical and mental disabilities. Part 6: Research. A graduate survery of cinemeducation. Part 7: Additional topics. Leadership, teamwork and organizational dynamics. Technological considerations. Part 8: The future of cinemeducation.

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