
This article is dedicated to the history of temple complex of the rural settlement of Purnema of Onezhsky District of Archangelsk Region, where in the early XX century was situated the three-part ensemble comprised of two churches – tent-roofed Nikolskaya (1618), Church of the Nativity of Christ (1860-1861), and a bell tower that survived until the early 1930s. Relevance of the topic is substantiated by the fact that the monuments of stave architecture, masterpieces of temple architecture of the Russian North are vanishing, and the North loses its cultural uniqueness. The aforementioned temple complex is one of the few preserved in the Russian North. Attention is turned to the current state of the temple complex, status and significance of monuments, their boundaries, current state protection regime, and the need for taking immediate measures to preserve them as the objects of cultural heritage in the historical environment. The goal of this research consists in determination of the distinctness of temple complex in the village of Purnema within the cultural-historical landscape of the Russian North and its present significance. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the history of the Church of the Nativity of Christ has not previously been the subject of special research among historians and art historians. The article employs archival data and documentary photographs that are newly introduced into the scientific discourse. The acquired results allow concluding that the monument should become state registered. The practical importance of this work is that the presented materials can be used in elaboration and implementation of the state strategy aimed at preservation and development of unique Northern and Arctic cultural landscapes, historical settlements, monuments of religious and civil architecture, their scientific restoration, museification and revalorization.

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