
According to the researches important changes were made in the chronology of  royal treasurers in the XII-XIII centuries, patrimonial possessions and the origins and personalities of  the owners  of unknown mandates mentioned in the sources as unknown or debatable until now were ascertained , among them:1. We made some changes in the Genealogical Table of the feudal surname  “Toreli”,  we could find out that the surname “Toreli” was formed in the XII century, but in the X-XI centuries the surname “Toreli” was meant under the Gamrekelis patrimonial  2. We were also able to prove that  Shota,Gamrekeli,Beshkeni and Varazbakuri of Adzikvi inscription are son’s of  Kakha the I and they are neither the figures of  XII centuries first half nor representatives of  previous generation of Javakheti chief  lord.3. Hence we identified Shota Toreli(the son of Javakheti chief lord) with Shota a royal treasurer-Aghapi(Church funeral prayer) of Jerusalim Monastry of Cross and we believed that on this post he was a deputy of Abusalan the son of Iobi 4.We decided that famous brothers  Shalva and Ivane Akhaltsikhel-Toreli were this Shota’s inheritors 5.We could also learn the identity of  Mamurcha royal-treasurer and his role and place in the genealogical table,it was not known until now 6.We made some corrections in the order of successions in the XIII-XIV centuries,from the Torelis surname  the honour of royal-treasurer was passed to Fanaskerteli-chief  lord of Tao. The last  bearer of this name was Zaza Fanaskerteli-Tsitsishvili, he was the author of  a medical book  “Karabadini” .

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