
The karotypes of eleven species of the South American burrowing rodents, genus Ctenomys are described, and information on the somatic number of two other species of the same genus is given. The studied species are: C. torquatus (2n ♂=68), C. tuconax (2n ♂=61), C. minutus (2n=50), C. talarum (2n= 48), C. porteousi (2n=48), C. cf. minutus (2n=48), C. australis (2n=46), C. azarae (2n=48), C. latro (2n=42), C. magellanicus fueguinus (2n=36), C. tucumanus (2n=28), C. opimus luteolus (2n=26), and C. occultus (2n ♀=22). This extreme intrageneric variation in somatic number is also reflected by a great amount of diversity in chromosome structure. Karyotypes seem to be rather constant at the species level. Autosomal polymorphism has been found in two of the species, namely C. talarum and C. latro. The hypothesis of the superimposition of Robertsoman rearrangements, pericentric inversions and translocations in the evolution of the karyotype of Ctenomys is advanced. The direction of chromosome change, either toward increase or decrease in chromosome number, is discussed. It is emphasized that high chromosome multiformity is correlated in Ctenomys with a rapid and explosive pattern of species diversification; the meaning of the small size of populations in enhancing the role of chromosome rearrangements in the evolution of Ctenomys is discussed.

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