
ABSTRACTHistoplasma capsulatum, a dimorphic fungal pathogen, is the most common cause of fungal respiratory infections in immunocompetent hosts. Histoplasma is endemic in the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys in the United States and is also distributed worldwide. Previous studies have revealed at least eight clades, each specific to a geographic location: North American classes 1 and 2 (NAm 1 and NAm 2), Latin American groups A and B (LAm A and LAm B), Eurasian, Netherlands, Australian and African, and an additional distinct lineage (H81) comprised of Panamanian isolates. Previously assembled Histoplasma genomes are highly fragmented, with the highly repetitive G217B (NAm 2) strain, which has been used for most whole-genome-scale transcriptome studies, assembled into over 250 contigs. In this study, we set out to fully assemble the repeat regions and characterize the large-scale genome architecture of Histoplasma species. We resequenced five Histoplasma strains (WU24 [NAm 1], G217B [NAm 2], H88 [African], G186AR [Panama], and G184AR [Panama]) using Oxford Nanopore Technologies long-read sequencing technology. Here, we report chromosomal-level assemblies for all five strains, which exhibit extensive synteny among the geographically distant Histoplasma isolates. The new assemblies revealed that RYP2, a major regulator of morphology and virulence, is duplicated in G186AR. In addition, we mapped previously generated transcriptome data sets onto the newly assembled chromosomes. Our analyses revealed that the expression of transposons and transposon-embedded genes are upregulated in yeast phase compared to mycelial phase in the G217B and H88 strains. This study provides an important resource for fungal researchers and further highlights the importance of chromosomal-level assemblies in analyzing high-throughput data sets.

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