
The relationship between α-particle dose and chromosome aberration yield was studied in human peripheral blood leukocytes cultured in vitro. The α-irradiation was produced from thermal neutron capture by boron, according to the nuclear reaction 10B ( n, α) 7Li. Blood samples containing 49 μg 10B per ml were exposed to the thermal neutrons in a reactor at a flux density of 2·10 7 n/cm 2s. By subtracting the rad dose due to the reactor radiations alone from that due to both boron capture and the reactor radiations, the rad dose rate of heavy particles was estimated. The dicentric yield appeared to follow a linear response up to about 18 rad and then showed signs of “saturation”. Comparison with 250 kV X-ray data (doses up to 510 rad) gave an RBE of 22.97.

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