
[1333-82-0] CrO3 (MW 99.99) (reagent for oxidizing carbon–hydrogen bonds to alcohols, oxidizing alkylaromatics to ketones and carboxylic acids, converting alkenes to α,β-unsaturated ketones, oxidizing carbon–carbon double bonds, oxidizing arenes to quinones, oxidizing alcohols to aldehydes, ketones, acids, and keto acids) Alternate Names: chromic anhydride; Chromic Acid in aqueous media. Physical Data: mp 196 °C; d 2.70 g cm−3. Solubility: sol ether, H2O, HNO3, H2SO4, DMF, HMPA. Form Supplied in: red crystals. Handling, Storage, and Precautions: caution: chromium(VI) oxide is a highly toxic cancer suspect agent. All chromium(VI) reagents must be handled with care. The mutagenicity of CrVI compounds is well documented.7 HMPA is also a highly toxic cancer suspect agent. Special care must always be exercised in adding CrO3 to organic solvents. Add CrO3 in small portions to HMPA in order to avoid a violent decomposition. This reagent must be handled in a fume hood. Each mol of chromium(VI) oxide has 1.5 equivalents of oxygen. The oxidizing power of the reagent increases with decreasing water content of the solvent medium. The oxidizing medium may be aqueous acetic acid,2, 3 anhydrous acetic acid (Fieser reagent),4 or concentrated5 or aqueous6 sulfuric acid.

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