
Chromatin diminution, i.e., the loss of selected chromosomal regions during the differentiation of early embryonic cells into somatic cells, has been described in taxa as varied as ciliates, copepods, insects, nematodes, and hagfish. The nature of the eliminated DNA has been extensively studied in ciliate, nematode, and hagfish species. However, the small size of copepods, which makes it difficult to obtain enough DNA from early embryonic cells for cloning and sequencing, has limited such studies. Here, to identify the sequences eliminated from the somatic cells of a copepod species that undergoes chromatin diminution, we randomly amplified DNA fragments from germ line and somatic line cells of Mesocyclops edax, a freshwater cyclopoid copepod. Of 47 randomly amplified germ line clones, 45 (96%) contained short, tandemly repeated sequences composed of either 2 bp CA-repeats, 8 bp CAAATAGA-repeats, or 9 bp CAAATTAAA-repeats. In contrast, of 83 randomly amplified somatic line clones, only 47 (57%) contained such short, tandemly repeated sequences. As previously observed in some nematode species, our results therefore show that there is partial elimination of chromosomal regions containing (CAAATAGA and CAAATTAAA) repeated sequences during the chromatin diminution observed in the somatic cells of M. edax. We speculate that chromatin diminution might have evolved repeatedly by recruitment of RNAi-related mechanisms to eliminate nonfunctional tandemly repeated DNA sequences from the somatic genome of some species.

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