
A chromatic root is a zero of the chromatic polynomial of a graph. At a Newton Institute workshop on Combinatorics and Statistical Mechanics in 2008, two conjectures were proposed on the subject of which algebraic integers can be chromatic roots, known as the ``$α +n$ conjecture'' and the ``$nα$ conjecture''. These say, respectively, that given any algebraic integer α there is a natural number $n$ such that $α +n$ is a chromatic root, and that any positive integer multiple of a chromatic root is also a chromatic root. By computing the chromatic polynomials of two large families of graphs, we prove the $α +n$ conjecture for quadratic and cubic integers, and show that the set of chromatic roots satisfying the nα conjecture is dense in the complex plane. Une racine chromatique est un zéro du polynôme chromatique d'un graphe. A un atelier au Newton Institute sur la combinatoire et la mécanique statistique en 2008, deux conjectures ont été proposées dont le sujet des entiers algébriques peut être racines chromatiques, connus sous le nom ``la conjecture $α + n$'' et ``la conjecture $n α$ ''. Les conjectures veulent dire, respectivement, que pour chaque entier algébrique $α$ il y a un nombre entier naturel $n$, tel que $α + n$ est une racine chromatique, et que chaque multiple entier positif d'une racine chromatique est aussi une racine chromatique . En calculant les polynômes chromatiques de deux grandes familles de graphes, on prouve la conjecture $α + n$ pour les entiers quadratiques et cubiques, et montre que l'ensemble des racines chromatiques qui confirme la conjecture $nα$ est dense dans le plan complexe.


  • A proper k-colouring of a graph G is a function from the vertices of G to a set of k colours, with the condition that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same colour

  • If we define the chromatic number χ(G) of G to be the least number of colours with which we can properly colour G, it is not difficult to see that 0, 1, . . . , χ(G) − 1 are chromatic roots of G; PG(x) always has a number of linear factors

  • The vast majority of chromatic polynomials are divisible by at least one irreducible factor of higher degree, and it is the zeros of these non-linear factors that are of most interest in the study of chromatic roots

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A proper k-colouring of a graph G is a function from the vertices of G to a set of k colours, with the condition that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same colour. Of particular interest has been the question of where in the real line and complex plane these non-integer chromatic roots are located It follows from basic properties of the chromatic polynomial that there are no negative chromatic roots, and none in the interval (0, 1). Note that the nα conjecture is a multiplicative analogue of this result This would seem to imply that a given algebraic integer has a higher likelihood of being a chromatic root if it has larger real part, lending some credibility to the α + n conjecture. The main results presented in this abstract appear in Bohn (2011) and Bohn (2012)

Clique-theta graphs
Quadratic integers
Cubic integers
The nα Conjecture
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