
The article is devoted to the research of new forms of organization of remote work in choirs. With the introduction of quarantine restrictions, the rhythm of life has changed significantly, which has led to the search for new forms and methods of work. Various methods of introduction of the newest technologies in music education of different levels are considered. The experience of using new teaching methods in professional and educational choirs in schools and universities is analyzed. The influence of new forms of choral creativity on Ukrainian culture in general is determined. Eric Whitaker’s experience in organizing the world’s first virtual choir as an international art project has been studied. Professional, amateur and educational choirs in the pandemic were forced to look for new forms of work organization. This was the impetus for the introduction of new forms of work. A characteristic feature of remote choral rehearsal is the shift of emphasis from collective to individual performance. Awareness of oneself as an integral part of the whole characterizes the positive consequences of remote work. Among the negative consequences of remote work, we can identify low efficiency, depression as a result of loneliness, deterioration of the quality of the material. The unification of singers into virtual choirs has become a new wave in the modern cultural process of Ukraine and the world.

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