
In brain tissue there are two pathways by which choline and ethanolamine can be incorporated into a lipid-bound form. The first is the cytidine pathway originally described by Kennedy and Weiss (1956) for liver and the second, though it is probably a minor pathway, is a calciummediated exchange where the base is exchanged with that of an intact phospholipid (Ansell & Spanner, 1966; Porcellati, et al., 1971; Kanfer, 1972). In this account the first step of the cytidine pathway will be discussed in detail and in particular, this step in the nerve endings of brain.KeywordsNerve EndingIntracerebral InjectionSynaptosomal MembraneCholine KinaseSynaptosomal PreparationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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