
Objective: To evaluate factors that influence the rate of cholesteatoma recurrence (growth of new retraction cholesteatoma) in children. Methods: Review of children with primary acquired or congenital cholesteatoma. Severity was classified by extent and EAONO-JOS stage, and surgery by SAMEO-ATO. Primary outcome measure was 5-year recurrence rate using Kaplan–Meier or Cox regression analysis. Results: Median age was 10.7 years for 408 cholesteatomas from which 64 recurred. Median follow up was 4.6 years (0–13.5 years) with 5-year recurrence rate of 16% and 10-year of 29%. Congenital cholesteatoma (n = 51) had 15% 5-year recurrence. Of 216 pars tensa cholesteatomas, 5-year recurrence was similar at 14%, whereas recurrence from 100 pars flaccida cholesteatomas was more common at 23% (log-rank, p = 0.001). Sub-division of EAONO-JOS Stage 2 showed more recurrence in those with than without mastoid cholesteatoma (22.1% versus 10%), with more in Stage 3 (31.9%; p = 0.0003). Surgery without mastoidectomy, including totally endoscopic ear surgery, had 11% 5-year recurrence. Canal wall-up tympanomastoidectomy (CWU) and canal wall-down/mastoid obliteration both had 23% 5-year recurrence. Multivariate analysis showed increased recurrence for EAONO-JOS Stage 3 (HR 5.1; CI: 1.4–18.5) at risk syndromes (HR 2.88; 1.1–7.5) and age < 7 years (HR 1.9; 1.1–3.3), but not for surgical category or other factors. Conclusion: Young age and more extensive cholesteatoma increase the risk of recurrent cholesteatoma in children. When controlling for these factors, surgical approach does not have a significant effect on this outcome. Other objectives, such as lower post-operative morbidity and better hearing outcome, may prove to be more appropriate parameters for selecting optimal surgical approach in children.

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