
Introduction: Cholesteatoma of the external auditory canal (ECA) is a rare nosological entity, it is characterized by the invasion of squamous tissue in an area of the external auditory canal (EAC), generally in the posteroinferior region, which is accompanied by bone erosion [1]. Clinical case: 30-year-old female patient with no known pathological history who presented with a 7-day history of clinical symptoms characterized by left ear otalgia associated with foul-smelling otorrhea and temperature rises at the beginning of the condition, receiving antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin (for 7 days). Without improvement, later it is associated with intense headache at the occipital level, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Discussion: The percentage of men and women is similar in adulthood. The most frequent location is posteroinferior and in most cases the origin is primary. Otalgia and otorrhea were the main symptoms. In general, treatment is conservative, but a surgical approach was necessary in a third of patients through analoplasty or mastoidectomy, depending on the extent of the lesions [2]. Conclusion: Although we do not know the pathogenic mechanisms responsible for the formation and development of CCAE, the inclusion of keratin between the epithelium and the bone, with the participation of the periosteum, seem to be the triggers of the process. The diagnosis is clinical and its extent determines the use of local or surgical treatment, which is usually resolving [4].

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