Illicit drugs may be unpredictable in terms of the time and effort required to obtain them, and this can be modeled with variable- (VR) vs. fixed-ratio (FR) schedules. In a recent experiment (Zamarripa et al. 2023), the potency of cocaine to maintain choice was greatest under a VR (compared with a FR) when food was available under a FR schedule. The goal of the current study was to extend prior choice results with VR vs. FR schedules to a more efficient procedure with cocaine or fentanyl vs. food. Furthermore, the FR schedule of food delivery was manipulated to determine whether increased drug choice under a VR (compared with a FR) schedule depends on the size of the schedule of nondrug reinforcement. Adult female (n = 2) and male (n = 4) monkeys chose between cocaine (0-30µg/kg/injection) or fentanyl (0-1.0µg/kg/injection) and food (2 pellets/delivery) under a 5-component procedure. In different conditions, food was available under a FR 25, 50, or 100 and cocaine or fentanyl were available under FR or VR 100 schedules. Cocaine's potency to maintain choice was greatest under a VR 100 (compared with FR 100) when food was available under a FR 50 or 100, and fentanyl's potency to maintain choice was generally greatest under a VR 100 (compared with FR 100) when food was available under a FR 25 or 100. However, outcomes between FR and VR schedules with fentanyl were less robust compared with cocaine. Variability in the time and effort required to obtain illicit drugs could contribute to excessive allocation of behavior toward drug use at the expense of more predictable nondrug alternatives, supporting treatment or policies aimed at making drug access more predictable through agonist medications or a safe supply. The impact of variable requirements on drug choice may be reduced if nondrug reinforcers are relatively less costly, supporting the use of low-cost reinforcers in behavioral therapies like contingency management.
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