
Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) is the leading cause of permanent dysfunction in movement and sensation. Despite the rapid development of tissue engineering in peripheral nerve regeneration, autograft remains the gold standard for treating PNI. Synthesized nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) were reported as a potential alternative treatment that could replace autograft. However, most current NGCs are hollow tubular structured, or NGCs with macro or microstructures, but not both. These simple structures could not meet the need for neurite and Schwann cell guidance and accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration. In the current study, we combine unidirectional freezing with electrospinning to produce a unique NGC with longitudinal microchannels and parallel nanofibers. The in vitro study showed the importance of having both features in promoting Schwann cell growth, migration, and PC-12 cells neurite elongation. The novel NGCs could provide desirable physical support and guidance for peripheral nerve regeneration. From the current study, we found both the micro feature and the nano feature are helpful in terms of helping cell migrating through the NGCs, and the combination of both features will have a syngeneic effect.

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