
In recent years, the hazardous use of antibiotic growth promotors in the poultry industry has led to the development of drug resistance and violative tissue residues. Therefore, the European Union Regulation banned application of these growth promotors, and the international authorities have searched for other natural and safe feed additive sources as substitutes for antibiotics. Chitosan has been used as a feed-additive alternative in veterinary medicine practices worldwide. Chitosan and chitosan-based nanoparticles have been extensively investigated in the poultry production system and have proved several positive impacts. The overall performance parameters of broilers and layers have been improved following dietary treatments with chitosan. Besides, chitosan showed antimicrobial activity against many bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic diseases as well as boosting of the immune response. Modulation of the antioxidant activity and modification of some blood parameters have also been detected owing to dietary chitosan supplementations. Moreover, chitosan nanoparticles have been now applied as a vaccine delivery vehicle and a mucosal adjuvant for many important poultry bacterial and viral diseases. Therefore, this review article sheds light on the effects of chitosan and its nanoparticle forms on the production traits of broilers and layers, their antimicrobial, immuno-regulatory, and antioxidant properties, as well as their effects on the blood constituents and vaccine production.

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