
In an approach inspired by Polyakov loop extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio models, we present a nonlinear hadronic SU(3) σ–ω mean field model augmented by quark degrees of freedom. By introducing the effective Polyakov loop related scalar field Φ and an associated effective potential, the model includes all known hadronic degrees of freedom at low temperatures and densities as well as a quark phase at high temperatures and densities. Hadrons in the model exhibit a finite volume in order to suppress baryons at high T and μ. This ensures that the right asymptotic degrees of freedom are attained for the description of strongly interacting matter and allows one to study the QCD phase diagram in a wide range of temperatures and chemical potentials. Therefore, with this model it is possible to study the phase transition of chiral restoration and deconfinement. In this paper, the impact of quarks on the resulting phase diagram is shown. The results from the chiral model are compared with recent data from lattice QCD.

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